Use "interceptor|interceptors" in a sentence

1. Aegis Interceptor Bibless Neck Guard; Aegis Interceptor Bibless Neck Guard

2. Aegis Interceptor Bibless Neck Guard; Aegis Interceptor Bibless Neck Guard

3. It is usually best to externalize interceptors.

4. Deterrence, antimissile interceptors, is still the best defense.

5. Use oil and solid interceptors for the drainage of open outdoor storage areas.

6. The removal of free oil from waste water by gravity separation using devices such as the American Petroleum Institute separator, a corrugated plate interceptor, or a parallel plate interceptor.

7. (a) connecting the Bensafrim interceptor sewer to the Lagos treatment plant;

8. This provided her with the capability of night fighter-interceptor training.

9. In the field of defence also, India has successfully test fired the Ballistic Interceptor Missile.

10. Patriot missile interceptors as well as destroyers had been deployed in case the launch was bungled.

11. By the end of 2005 up to 20 sea-based interceptors will be deployed on three Aegis cruisers, using Standard Missile -3 (SM-3) interceptors targeting short- and medium-range missiles in ascent and midcourse flight.

12. When the capacity of this interceptor is exceeded during wet weather, overflows occur.

13. MiG-15SP-5 Two-seat all-weather interceptor version of the MiG-15UTI.

14. The R-98M1 remained in service through the 1980s, being withdrawn with the last Su-15 'Flagon' interceptors.

15. Building such interceptors would not be an insuperable task ; in the 1960 s the U.

16. The canceled 1950s Canadian supersonic interceptor, the Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow, employed this type of system.

17. Yesterday, they added another feather in their cap by successfully testing a low altitude interceptor missile.

18. Mystère IVN Dassault also proposed a two-seat all-weather interceptor version called Mystère IVN.

19. As an Interceptor its role is to team up with other Aesirs and hunt down slower moving Jormungs

20. It includes: i) a wastewater treatment plant; ii) remaining interceptor; and iii) sewerage in District 2.

21. The first flight of the interceptor prototype, Ye-155-P1, took place on 9 September 1964.

22. Special high-altitude interceptors with GM-1 nitrous oxide injection high-altitude boost and pressurized cockpits were also produced.

23. The Northrop XP-56 Black Bullet was a unique prototype fighter interceptor built by the Northrop Corporation.

24. The mixed-power (rocket and piston engines) high-altitude interceptor Su-7 was based on the single-seat Su-6 prototype.

25. 7 It would take until 2007 to deploy 50 interceptors-about half the number the Clinton administration originally planned for that date.

26. Works were provisionally accepted for construction of a gravity main interceptor in the Deir El-Balah camp (stage I

27. It was used primarily for interceptor aircraft operations, but also provided logistical support for the nearby nuclear test area.

28. Bryophytes are also very effective rainfall interceptors, and the overwhelming abundance of epiphytic liverworts in "cloud" or "mossy" forest

29. The Convair F-106 Delta Dart was the primary all-weather interceptor aircraft of the United States Air Force from the 1960s through the 1980s.

30. CF-100 Mk 5 : Two-seat all-weather long-range interceptor fighter aircraft, powered by two Orenda 11 or Orenda 14 turbojet engines.

31. This was the first time a Japanese ship was employed to launch the interceptor missile during a test of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System.

32. The Mirage 4000 was comparable in size to the United States F-15 Eagle, and was designed to be both a long-range interceptor and a capable fighter-bomber.

33. But by the '60s the ICBM had become routinized as the delivery vehicle for nuclear warheads and everyone realized that super-fast interceptors (and supersonic bombers) were kind of pointless.

34. The Su-11 was an upgraded version of the Sukhoi Su-9 ('Fishpot') interceptor, which had been developed in parallel with the OKB's swept wing Su-7 fighter bomber.

35. The Sea Venom was the navalised version of the Venom NF.2 two-seat night fighter, and was used as an all-weather interceptor by the Fleet Air Arm (FAA).

36. Blenheim Mk IF Night fighter version, equipped with an AI Mk III or Mk IV airborne interceptor radar, armed with four 0.303 in (7.7 mm) machine guns in a special gun pack under the fuselage.

37. This made the B-36 more maneuverable at high altitude than the USAF jet interceptors of the day, which either could not fly above 40,000 ft (12,000 m), or if they did, were likely to stall out when trying to maneuver or fire their guns.

38. One eighth of SAC's 1,436 bombers were on airborne alert, and some 145 intercontinental ballistic missiles stood on ready alert, some of which targeted Cuba, and Air Defense Command (ADC) redeployed 161 nuclear-armed interceptors to 16 dispersal fields within nine hours, with one third maintaining 15-minute alert status.

39. Archfiend Soldier x2 Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror x1 Archfiend Empress x1 Imprisoned Queen Archfiend x1 Dragoncaller Magician x1 Archfiend Commander x2 Archfiend Giant x1 Archfiend of Gilfer x1 Red Warg x2 Archfiend General x2 Archfiend Interceptor x2 Infernalqueen Archfiend x1 Mad Archfiend x1 Shadowknight Archfiend x1

40. Aedile zachwycać Rotule du levier de changement de vitesses to tend to casaque Venetian passenger motorboat grafiikkakiihdytin inevitable situation Nachforschung (n.) domandare explainable nach deinem Belieben (u.E.)/wie es dir beliebt (u.E.)/wie es dir gefällt (u.E.) NIMH rubric yanqui shod looks plagiari ruispuuro interceptor chesspiece

41. The low aspect ratio found in the Lockheed Martin F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter or the older Convair F-102 Delta Dagger and F-106 Delta Dart interceptors was anticipated by many aircraft, beginning with the Flick-Reinig “Apteroid” of 1911, whose biplane wings ran fore and aft along the fuselage rather than perpendicular to it, as if it

42. An air-launched ballistic missile or Albm is a ballistic missile launched from an aircraft.An Albm allows the launch aircraft to stand off at long distances from its target, keeping it well outside the range of defensive weapons like anti-aircraft missiles and interceptor aircraft.Once launched, the missile is essentially immune to interception.

43. Long the 'Knights of the Sky', military Aircraft received their baptism of fire during World War 1 (1914-1918), a war which saw a continuous evolution of the species into evermore lethal fighting machines - fighters, bombers, raiders, interceptors, and the like.Far from hitting their ceiling, the Aircraft continues to evolve along multiple avenues, culminating in the modern pilot-less weapons

44. The southeastern part of the Strait of Tartary was the site of one of the tensest incidents of the Cold War, when on September 1, 1983, Korean Air Lines Flight 007, carrying 269 people including a sitting U.S. congressman, Larry McDonald, strayed into the Soviet air space and was attacked by a Soviet Su-15 interceptor just west of Sakhalin Island.